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javascriptNullIsNotGreaterOrEqualToZeroButAlsoYes | javascript-memes, java-memes |
javascript-memes, java-memes |


The meme is a humorous take on the quirks of JavaScript’s handling of null values. It features a series of statements that demonstrate how null can be both "greater than" and "not greater than" zero, depending on the context.

  • The first statement, null > 0, returns false.
    • This is because in JavaScript, null is considered less than all other values, including numbers.
  • The second statement, null == 0, returns true.
    • In this case, the loose equality operator (==) is used, which allows for type coercion. As a result, null is treated as equal to zero.

The meme pokes fun at the unexpected behavior of JavaScript’s comparison operators when dealing with null values. It highlights how the language’s design can lead to confusing and counterintuitive results in certain situations. Overall, the meme provides an amusing commentary on the quirks of JavaScript programming.


null 0 null 0 null 0 null ProarammerHumor 0 false false false true