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Before starting a new cool project, make sure the name is not already taken!

Before starting a new cool project, make sure the name is not already taken! | unix-memes, command-memes, function-memes, error-memes, c-memes, compiler-memes, operating system-memes |
unix-memes, command-memes, function-memes, error-memes, c-memes, compiler-memes, operating system-memes |


dd Unix-like operating system command dd is a command-line utility for Unix, Unix-like operating systems and beyond, the primary purpose of which is to convert and copy files. Wikipedia Stands for: Copy and convert (called dd because cc is already in use by C compiler) Function: Copy a file, converting and formatting according to the operands Syntax: dd ifFILE ofFILE ibsN obsN bsN countN skipN seekN convnotruncnoerrorsyncfsync Example: dd iffloppy34.fs ofdevrfdOc bs32k