
Interviews be like

Interviews be like | list-memes, function-memes, class-memes, ssl-memes, IT-memes, binary-memes, interview-memes |
list-memes, function-memes, class-memes, ssl-memes, IT-memes, binary-memes, interview-memes |

[text] Interviewer Create a function thet Inverts a binary ree. Me a frontena dev 1 p3 g 4 6 VA 11 it 12 13 I 15 16 17 18 ik 20 21 pre idbinarytree el K 4ol style T transform rotateY180deg 45870 script function invertBinaryTreeelement element.classList.addinverted const binaryTreeEl document.getElementByIdbinarytree invertBinaryTreebinaryTreeEl script KAPWING