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Amazingly good security

Amazingly good security | hacker-memes, data-memes, password-memes, security-memes, devs-memes, database-memes, fix-memes, rds-memes, ide-memes |
hacker-memes, data-memes, password-memes, security-memes, devs-memes, database-memes, fix-memes, rds-memes, ide-memes |

[text] i J Y Claudia Pellegrino cpellegrino 2d Replying to tmobileat PWTooStrong and Telekomhilft Thanks for your reply Andrea Storing cleartext passwords in a database is a naughty thing to do. plaintextoffenders.comfagdevs What can we do to get your devs to fix that Qs Y Q1590 N TMobile Austria tmobileat 2d Hi cpellegrino really do not get why this is a problem. You have so many passwords for evey app for every mail account and so on. We secure all data very carefully so there is not a thing to fear. G Q 268 11310 Q 271 i Eric Korni22 1d Well what if your infrastructure gets breached and everyones password is published in plaintext to the whole wide world s 162 R KVX iy TMobile Austria tmobileat 1d Korni22 What if this doesnt happen because our security is amazingly good Kathe Hackers Stole Personal Data of 2 Million T Mobile Customers