[text] ProgressBarjava X 58 150 161 162 163 161 165 155 167 152 163 470 a1 72 73 473 s e Jee Converts a dravable to a tiled version of itself. It vill recursively traverse layer and state list dravables. private Drawable tileifyDrawable drawable boolean clip TODO This is a terrible idea that potentially destroys any drawable 77 that extends any of these classes. e really need to remove this. if drawable instanceof LayerDrawable final LayerDravable orig LayerDravable dravable final int N orig.getNumberOflayers final Drawable outbravables new DrawableN for int10 1 i final int id orig.getldi outDrawablesi tileifyorig.gecbrawable i id R.id.progress id R.id.secondarvProaress
in Backend, Java, Javascript, Linux, Python