
Explain your code, realize what you did when you explain the code, and grab the strangled duck while yelling: “WHY WAS THE FIX THAT SIMPLE!? AM I GOING BLIND!?”

Explain your code, realize what you did when you explain the code, and grab the strangled duck while yelling: "WHY WAS THE FIX THAT SIMPLE!? AM I GOING BLIND!?" | programmer-memes, code-memes, program-memes, debugging-memes, bug-memes, debug-memes, fix-memes |
programmer-memes, code-memes, program-memes, debugging-memes, bug-memes, debug-memes, fix-memes |

[text] Theres a thing called Rubber duck debugging in which a programmer explains the code to a rubber duck in hopes of finding the bug S i